In the morning I did my bit by cleaning up the litter before we left. We set off past Dunedoo and stopped in Dubbo Showground to dump the black water.
We called in to Parkes for supplies and we just made it to Forbes before I ran out of energy, enthusiasm and the will to go on. We stopped in the Lions Park, a beautiful spot on the banks of the lake. I chatted to an aboriginal couple from Condobolin who were in town to do the shopping. It's cheaper, they said, to come to Forbes than to shop in Condobolin.
A young couple with two boys in a caravan came in looking for somewhere to stay overnight where they would have company. We had happy hour with them and found that they are from Launceston and are on a twelve month trip hoping to do the big lap. We gave them some advice and wished them safe travelling and lots of fun.