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Currawinya, Barraba, NSW

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Sun 1 - Thu 5 Oct 2006

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Sunday 1st

I did some preparation for our next trip in the Motley. I found a burst of energy and washed the Terios. I planned to do the Motley as well but the body complained so I left that for tomorrow.

In the afternoon I catalogued some more books. The list is now up to 324 but there are still eight boxes to go. Doing the catalogue is very interesting because I find books I had forgotten that I had. Some even still had a bookmark in them.

Monday 2nd

Another bright spring day. I found the energy to wash the Motley.

I had received a bill for the Minimax modem from Telstra which was grossly overcharging. I had changed the account in early August from PCpack which is time charged to Datapack which is volume charged and the first bill I got after the change was correct. This second bill was not. I checked the usage against my records and found it was OK but it was evident that the billing system was treating the account as PCpack instead of Datapack. The guy on the help line realised that I was right and made a credit to my account to offset the overcharge and said that he had rectified the error so perhaps it won't happen again. Clearly, the Telstra project to update their billing system is a bit overdue.

Tuesday 3rd

Another gorgeous day. The post master came early to deliver a large parcel containing Jean's handbag she had left behind at Patricks Rd.

A little later on one of our neighbours came with another parcel which had been delivered to his house, 43 Alice St, by mistake. This was the new battery for the iBook which had been replaced by Apple under warranty as part of the million battery recall. If the iBook would behave itself I would be well pleased. I have still some problems which might be software or hardware. Re-loading the operating system has not cured the original problem and seems to have introduced some new ones. The firewire connection to the iPod, the other iBook, and the external hard-drive all seem to terminate because of a Finder error. This make backups something of a hit or miss affair.

I am waiting for the Lions Christmas Cakes to arrive. When we get them I will have to distribute some to the businesses in town who will sell them for us. Meanwhile I am moving stuff back into the Motley in preparation for the upcoming trip to Mudgee and Sydney.

I got a call from my Lions colleague, Ken, saying that the Christmas Cakes had arrived. I went round to help unload them. We agreed that it would be sensible to start the distribution when I get back from Sydney at the beginning of November.

Wednesday 4th

In the morning, I did some more trip preparation. We are nearly ready so tomorrow will not be too stressful.

We had a call from Helene suggesting that we all go to the Ball at the rally as a wedding party celebrating Dracula's marriage. I told Vicki so that she would have time to make some preparations. She came to see us having been to Vinnies where she picked up some stuff for both her and John. After lunch Jean and I went to Vinnies and found some things for ourselves.

The dentist's receptionist rang to ask if Jean could bring change her appointment so we will have to get to Sydney a day earlier than we had planned.

Thursday 5th

I woke up early again to another beautiful day. It's amazing how often I can make that remark. Though the cold nights in Barraba and the hot summer days are a bit unpleasant, for the most part, this is heavenly country.

I had a Lions Dinner Meeting at the Commercial Hotel. I was amazed to find that they run a poker game in the Public Bar. The food was excellent and the company, was as always, very good.

We chose to move into the Motley to check that everything was in order. Jean had some trouble getting her dinner because I had forgotten to load the vegetables and the microwave cooking utensils so it was worth the check and we will correct the problems before we move out.

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Created: 29/9/06 and last revised 2/11/06
Author: Robin Chalmers Copyright in all the material on this site is asserted by the author
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