
Towards Transition Barraba is an Unincorporated Not-For-Profit Association which is dedicated to addressing the problems which our community will face as the world runs out of cheap, plentiful oil and as climate change forces changes in our lifestyle.

We are preparing to run a programme of events which will inform the community of the problems facing us and we hope to recruit many local people to join the organisation so that we can tap the genius of the community and design workable solutions for the problems that face us.

We have put in place the Articles of Association of Towards Transition Barraba which defines how the Association will operate and we have been recognised by the Transition Network as a Transition Town, the 13th one in Australia.

We urgently need those who are interested in our achieving our objective of a sustainable and resilient future for Barraba to join our Association.

The membership subscription is $20 p.a. which will help us to fund future activities, but the most important contribution one can make is to join in the activities of Awareness Raising and later to participate in the development of the Energy Descent Pathway which will be our blueprint for the changes we need to make to our community to achieve sustainability and resilience.