Good Resources


Peak Everything - Richard Heinberg -
Beyond the Limits - Donella H Meadows, Dennis L Meadows, Jørgen Randers
A Big Fix - Ian Lowe
Stages of Change - book
The Power of Sustainability Thinking - Bob Doppel
Made to Stick: why some ideas hold and others come unstuck - Chip & Dan Heath
The Sustainable Corporation - Dunphy, Griffiths, Bem
Deep Economy - Bill McKibben
Climate Wars - ???
Heat: How to Stop the Planet from Burning - George Monbiot
Parenting for a Peaceful World - R. Grille
Unfolding Futures - Sydney Facilitators Network
Cradle to Cradle - McDonoght & Braungart
Dispossessed (and others) - Ursula Le Guin

Other Resources

State of the Environment Reports
WAITAKERI COUNCIL - very advanced on sustainability
Film "Zeitgeist" (download from YouTube - explains how our global financial system operates and how and why it is doomed to failure)

Websites - a site with a finger on the pulse - "Finding our Power" an open space event facilitated by Janet Phillips and Jacinta Walsh from Concentric Facilitation"> - a site with useful book and dvd lists - a site relating to economics and exponential growth - Gaia Foundation of WA