Group Forming and Deepening

Informal meetings in restaurant to learn about each other - values, interest, commonalities, differences
Welcome people
Talk about chooks
Flexibility in membership
Group sharing - at beginning and end of meetings
Word of mouth through networking with local
Care for each other
Deepening - weekend workshops with members and public
Shared facilitation
Vision of how the group will be
Doing social activities together
Coffee and chat
Work together physically - e.g permablitz
Social fun times together
Ways of resolving conflict
House groups
Open to emergence - visioning - sharing
Affirm conflict is normal part of group - encouraging difference and initiative
Climate Change circles - 6 meetings - groups of 10 - cohesion - dev critical thinking
Technical Information Group
Restrict "tasks" in meeting - leave room for sharing ideas, feelings
Food and Drink
More cheese Gromit
Feedback skilling
Workshop with Janet Millington to focus groups